Azure Virtual Machine which are in Load Balancing can be backed up by Azure IaaS Backup ? , Answer is Yes.
Microsoft recently anounces support for Load balanced Virtual Machines on Azure, Please refer the below article.
Currently their are limitation with respect to restore, The restore should be performed whenever Virtual machines are configured in a special networking configuration.
For restoring the Virtual machines in the special networking configuration, then you should the powershell approach where it will allow you to restore the VM disk to a storage account and from where you can go ahead and configure the Virtual machine using existing disk in the special networking configuration as needed.
Below are the sequence of powershell commands that can be used for restoring the VM disk from the Azure Backup Vault.
Name ResourceGroupName Region Storage
---- ----------------- ------ -------
Backupnow RecoveryService... centralus GeoRedundant
Name ResourceGroupName Region Storage
---- ----------------- ------ -------
Backupnow RecoveryService... centralus GeoRedundant
$backupvault = Get-AzureRMBackupVault –ResourceGroupName “RecoveryServices-BYDEFLG5BESPTOIGSYROZJR5V6ZCINXVYA6S
Name ResourceGroupName Region Storage
---- ----------------- ------ -------
Backupnow RecoveryService... centralus GeoRedundant
$joblist = Get-AzureRMBackupJob -Vault $backupvault -Status InProgress
$joblist = Get-AzureRMBackupJob -Vault $backupvault -Status Completed
WorkloadName Operation Status StartTime EndTime
------------ --------- ------ --------- -------
vm2 Backup Completed 2/5/2016 2:23:22 AM 2/5/2016 2:42:36 AM
$backupitem = Get-AzureRMBackupContainer -Vault $backupvault -Type AzureVM -name "VM1" | Get-AzureRMBackupItem
Get-AzureRMBackupRecoveryPoint -Item $backupitem
RecoveryPointId RecoveryPointType RecoveryPointTime ContainerName
--------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------
27578974793839 FileSystemConsi... 2/5/2016 2:26:13 AM iaasvmcontainer;highavailablevm;vm1
$rp = Get-AzureRMBackupRecoveryPoint -Item $backupitem
RecoveryPointId RecoveryPointType RecoveryPointTime ContainerName
--------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------
27578974793839 FileSystemConsi... 2/5/2016 2:26:13 AM iaasvmcontainer;highavailablevm;vm1
$restorejob = Restore-AzureRMBackupItem -StorageAccountName "Azurestoragerestorenow" -RecoveryPoint $rp
WorkloadName Operation Status StartTime EndTime
------------ --------- ------ --------- -------
vm1 Restore InProgress 2/5/2016 2:03:45 PM
WorkloadName Operation Status StartTime EndTime
------------ --------- ------ --------- -------
vm1 Restore Completed 2/5/2016 2:03:45 PM 2/5/2016 2:23:17 PM
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