Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics

Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics is a great tools which analyses the active directory traffic and take advantage of Machine learning technology in-order to understand the behavior of traffic or requests coming to active directory and give a red flag in case of any anomalies detected or observed.

There are 2 Major components in the Advanced Threat Analytics solution, which are:

1. ATA Center
2. ATA Gateway or ATA Light weight Gateway 

ATA Light weight gateway is a new release with lighter version of Agent  which can be deployed directly on the Domain controller, so that their is no need of maintaining a dedicated server ATA Gateway Application.

Here are some of the important docs to start with Microsoft Threat Analytics, Happy Learning.

High Availability Solution - Azure

                          High Availability - Azure 

When designing a solution, we always think "If our application is designed to be high available and High Resilience". 

Microsoft have  come up with checklist to help the IT Teams whenever they are designing a solution to cross check and question them self if the Application is going to meet high available and high resilience. 

Here are some of the important articles for your reference:

Azure itself having so many tools and services to leverage a high resilience and high available solution, but to make sure we are on right track with our design we can go through this checklist and question us if we are going to with stand any disaster and make our application working with less or no downtime.